St Paddy’s day weekend and all…

Been sort of half working and half playing poker today, thinking about the way to code some stuff and about an editing job I have been working on for the last little while. I am not the most motivated person in the world today for whatever reason, and here it is 2AM and I am wide awake and really into, well, I don’t know.

It’s St Paddy’s day weekend, and here in Montreal, that means PARADE TIME. Everyone is irish for the day. I tend to avoid it, I’m not a huge fan of freezing my ass off or drinking green beer, so there you go. The parade has it’s first female grand marshall this year, and that is kinda kewl, I guess. More power to them.

As always, I am working on new ideas for Findpics. The videos sections are about ready to go up (I have a little more coding to do, then I will start to load the videos into place). It should be pretty darn good, upwards to 30 free video clips every day from some of the hottest sites in their niche, updated automatically every day with a fresh clip. I got a new server with a ton more bandwidth to support this feature, and I really think everyone is going to like it (at least everyone with Windows Media player, sorry, I can’t support Quicktime in this format).

I am always looking for new ideas. Got one? Send me mail, is a good place to send me your comments and ideas. I am truly open to almost anything, as long as it is legal.

The celeb lookup system should be up soon as well, you will be able to check to see if your favorite celebs have done nude or topless scenes in movies… I find it fun to see who really got naked and who used a stunt bum.

Anyway, back to work! have a good weekend everyone!